To celebrate Independent Bookstore Day, April 29, 2023, we have decided to discount our books by 10% between Friday, April 21st, and Saturday, April 29th! As always, we offer free shipping, or free pickup on the porch of our new building at 85 Pierce Street.
(Map of Greenfield Bookstores)
If you prefer an in-person browsing experience, please visit our storefront in Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts--Boswell's Books! We have an excellent selection of used and new books there, and those will be discounted 10% on Independent Bookstore Day, Saturday, April 29th. Boswell's is located at 10 Bridge Street, Shelburne Falls.
Roundabout Books is committed to providing an excellent selection of used, new, and vintage books in all genres. In particular, we cultivate great collections of poetry, literature in translation, history, science and technical, and university presses. We also have an extensive children's section which will be housed in its own large, sunny room when our shop is finally open for browsing this summer. Please visit us at our periodic media and book sales until we reopen. We're looking forward to seeing you!