Hello Everyone!
I'm happy to report that our May Media Sale is ready! Thank you for your patience while we put together this one (a couple weeks after I had hoped). I do think it will be worth the wait!
In what has become our regular pattern, we'll open up our lower level for the sale the weekend of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th of May with tables of CDs, DVDs, and Vinyl records for $2 on Friday and $1 all day Saturday and Sunday; as well as bins of 50 cent books throughout the sale. The collection of CDs and DVDs seems to me particularly rich with interesting material this time. You never know what you'll find!
The books, CDs, DVDs will be all fresh since last sale. The vinyl will be a combination of fresh material and material that we decided to retain from the end of the last sale for one last look!
Thank you for all your CD and DVD donations, too! In addition to buying bulk media from organizations, it has been a huge help to receive CDs, DVDs, and Vinyl from people de-accessioning their collections. Partly with the warm reception of these media sale events in mind, we decided to open up dedicated donation bins for CDs & DVDs and for Vinyl Records in partnership with Valley Recycling in Northampton. (We will continue to accept all donations of books and media at Roundabout, too.) Feel free to spread the word! We'll haven't turned away any book donations in 12 years--even through the pandemic--and I'm excited to expand what we are bringing in!
Thanks again everyone, and I hope to see you May 3rd, if not sooner!
- $1 SALE: Saturday, May 4th - Sunday, May 5th, 10am - 6pm
- $2 PRESALE DAY: Friday, May 3rd, 10am - 6pm
- $1 DVDs and DVD sets
- $1 CDs and CD sets
- $1 Vinyl Records
- Thousands of CDs and DVDs, all fresh inventory
- ~8 large bins of 50 cent books --50 cent books will be the same price throughout the sale
- The sale will be on the lower level, but our main bookstore is open now, too!
- Browse new, used, vintage, and children's books in addition to the big sale downstairs.
- Cash, Checks and Credit Cards Accepted
- Parking is in our upper lot or on the street--please be respectful of neighbors' driveways if you park on the street