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New Directions

Mac's Problem

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Title: Mac's Problem
Author: Vila-Matas, Enrique
ISBN: 9780811227322
Publisher: New Directions
Published: 2019
Binding: Quality
Language: English
Condition: New

Fiction 1210778

Publisher Description:
Mac is currently unemployed and lives on his wife's earnings. An avid reader, he decides at the age of sixty to keep a diary. Mac's wife, a dyslexic, thinks he is simply wasting his time and risking sliding further into depression--but Mac persists, and is determined that this diary won't turn into a novel. However, one day, he has a chance encounter with a neighbor, a successful author of a collection of enigmatic, willfully obscure stories. Mac decides that he will read, revise, and improve his neighbor's stories, which are mostly narrated by a ventriloquist who has lost the ability to speak in different voices. As Mac embarks on this task, he finds that the stories have a strange way of imitating life. Or is life imitating the stories? As the novel progresses, Mac becomes more adrift from reality, and both he and we become ever more immersed in literature: a literature haunted by death, but alive with the sheer pleasure of writing.