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Mariner Books

Old Man Who Read Love Stories

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Title: Old Man Who Read Love Stories
Author: Luis Sepulveda
ISBN: 9780156002721
Publisher: Mariner Books
Published: 1995
Binding: Paperback
Language: English
Publisher Description:
An old man lives in a hut in El Idilio, a village on the Nangaritza River, in the southeast corner of Ecuador. The village is so small, the dentist comes only twice a year, to pull teeth and bring books to the old man— love stories, with gliding gondolas and ardent kisses, the kind that guarantee maximum heartache. This is a story of the jungle, green hell and Eden; of the Shuar Indians, who know how to live in harmony with it; of the machines and settlers and gold prospectors and gringos who have invaded it. Nature, out of balance, becomes vengeful and violent. An ocelot stalks the village, and only the old man, who once lived with the Indians and knows the jungle, is able to face the animal. An enchanting adventure of personal honor in the magical, savage world of Amazonia.