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Square One Publishers, Inc

Strange Case of Dr. Doyle: A Journey Into Madness and Mayhem

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Title: Strange Case of Dr. Doyle: A Journey Into Madness and Mayhem
Author: Daniel Friedman MD
ISBN: 9780757003486
Publisher: Square One Publishers, Inc
Published: 2015
Binding: Hardcover
Language: English
Condition: Used: Very Good
Clean, unmarked copy with some edge wear. Good binding. Dust jacket included if issued with one. We ship in recyclable American-made mailers. 100% money-back guarantee on all orders.

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Publisher Description:

London. 1910. A procession of well-attired gentlemen and ladies are clearlyout of place among the stalls and pushcarts of the Whitechapel District. Asthe group makes its way through the crowded streets, the tour guide stopsnow and then to point out various places where the mutilated bodies of thewomen had been found. Although the murders occurred twenty-two yearsprior, the man leading the group seems to know every detail and aspect ofeach slaying. Of those things he does not know, he offers freely his owninsightful conjecture. This is, however, no average tour of brutal acts. It isa close look at infamous serial killer Jack the Ripper s trail of blood. And theman leading the group is none other than Sir Arthur Conan Doyle famouscreator of fictional character Sherlock Holmes, the world s greatest detective.In The Strange Case of Dr. Doyle, we learn what draws one famousEnglishman to another in ways that are as fascinating as they are shocking.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle actually led a tour group to the sites of the WhitechapelMurders in the year 1910. While we do not have an existing description ofthat tour, authors Daniel Friedman, MD, and Eugene Friedman, MD, havemeticulously pieced together Doyle s own words to create a riveting accountof his publicly stated beliefs on each of these horrific murders. As Doyle takesthe group on his tour, the reader learns about the victims and the way eachdied. The authors have also included new pieces of evidence to understandbetter the murderer known to history only as Jack the Ripper.Interspersed throughout the tour is the Friedmans unique and well-researchedaccount of the life of the young Conan Doyle, which was shrouded in moremystery than any of his own works of fiction. The authors have uncoveredfacts about which few, if any, Doyle biographers have ever been aware. Doylewas able to reinvent himself so fully through his own writings that fewrecognized the more disturbing elements that were cut out of his own lifestory. What these two authors have uncovered in their investigation of Jackthe Ripper and Sir Arthur will no doubt spark passion and debate amongSherlockians for years to come. The Strange Case of Dr. Doyle proves onceagain that truth elementary as it may be is always stranger than fiction."