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Snow Lion

The Dark Red Amulet: Oral Instructions on the Practice of Vajrakilaya

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Title: Dark Red Amulet: Oral Instructions on the Practice of Vajrakilaya
Author: Kenchen Palden Sherab
ISBN: 9781559393119
Publisher: Snow Lion
Published: 2009
Binding: Paperback
Language: English
Publisher Description:
The Dark Red Amulet presents the Vajrayana practice of Vajrakilaya according to the oral transmission lineage of the great seventeenth-century treasure-revealer Tsasum Lingpa. Vajrakilaya embodies the enlightened activity of all the buddhas that subjugates delusion and negativity in order to clear obstacles to spiritual practice. The essential purpose of Vajrakilaya practice is to discover the absolute vajra nature that will transform every duality hindrance into clear wisdom and compassion. In this text, the renowned scholars and meditation masters Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche and Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche present the history of this lineage and the miraculous story of how Tsasum Lingpa revealed this terma teaching. Their line-by-line commentary on the short and condensed sadhanas provides an invaluable guide for practitioners to combine the skillful means of compassion and wisdom that are the foundation of Tibetan Buddhism.