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Dover Publications

Victorian Fashions and Costumes from Harper's Bazar, 1867-1898

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Title: Victorian Fashions and Costumes from Harper's Bazar, 1867-1898
Author: Stella Blum
ISBN: 0486229904
Publisher: Dover Publications
Published: 1974
Binding: Paperback
Language: English
Condition: Used: Very Good
Clean, unmarked copy with some edge wear. Good binding. Dust jacket included if issued with one. We ship in recyclable American-made mailers. 100% money-back guarantee on all orders.

C 1661448

Publisher Description:
This book consists of the finest illustrations from "Harper's Bazar" between the years 1867 and 1898, the period of its peak performance. These illustrations not only show you what apparel appealed to our Victorian anscestors, but give you an idea of the evolutionary nature of fashion as well. You will see bustles come and go, natural forms become the vogue not only to be superseded by the constructing hourglass figure. Each look is illustrated with a number of different garments. There are gowns for the morning hours, dinner dresses, sporting costumes, traveling clothes and the apparel for special occasions: weddings, communions, funerals, etc. Since no costume was complete without accessories, a full line of hants, fans parasols, muffs, gloves, handkerchiefs, jewelry, shoes and hair styles is shown as well.