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Smithsonian Books

Whole Hog: Exploring the Extraordinary Potential of Pigs

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Title: Whole Hog: Exploring the Extraordinary Potential of Pigs
Author: Lyall Watson
ISBN: 9781588342164
Publisher: Smithsonian Books
Published: 2004
Binding: Hardcover
Language: English
Publisher Description:
Not all animals are created equal. For a start, pigs have it, sheep don't; that is, that special quality of intelligence, a sense of play, and a gregariousness that make these tragically misunderstood--yet no less endearing--creatures more like us than any other animal. Best-selling author Lyall Watson takes a delightful look at the occasionally amusing, often instructive, and completely admirable qualities of pigs in this indispensable book, not only for everyone interested in natural history but also for fans of Babe, lovers of Piglet, readers of Charlotte's Web and Animal Farm, gourmands and truffle hunters, folklorists, and, of course, believers in meaningful interspecies communication.

The book is filled with both realistic and wonderfully fanciful illustrations of pigs that illuminate everything you could possibly want to know about the extraordinary family of Suids, from their origins and evolution, rich social lives, and combat strategies, to their special relationship with truffles, popularity in art and literature, and increasing use today in cutting-edge medical transplant technology.